Mount and blade warband trade routes
Mount and blade warband trade routes

mount and blade warband trade routes

The player is only given the fief if he gets the highest score of all lords in his faction. The calculation to decide who gets a captured fief is based on renown, the current number of properties they own, and an element of luck: - Take renown and add as a base value. Keeping a captured fief for yourself even if you captured it without the help of allies is not guaranteed. The marshal of your faction will summon lords of the same faction, then ride into enemy territory, possibly capturing castles and towns along the way. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord caravans: how to get them up and runningīribes can help gifts through the tavern but those aren't necessary either. Persuasion can help but it isn't necessary.

mount and blade warband trade routes

1000 Denar in 1 Minute - Mount and Blade Warband New Player Guide Then go around talking to the other lords. Taking a castle or a town yourself, or with others as long as you initiate the siege, is the kind of thing that will convince some of the other lords and your King that you deserve it. If that isn't good enough, you have apply a little grease to the wheels. As an upstanding vassal in your faction, you get to wait in line like everybody else for your turn. You gain influence over the process by gaining influence over the people involved. King Harlaus of Swadia likes to keep most fiefs to himself, Ragnar is bit more lenient but just as eager to declare wars but eventually you might wanna forge your own kingdom. When your kingdom claims new territory, keep going to friendly lords, ask them "Who should get X fief? Higher relationship score improves your odds, but it won't guarantee it. You'll want to make a good impression on other lords of the kingdom. Either raise your reknown to increase the chances, taking a castle town on your own will increase the odds of you getting it by a lot or if its still not given to you once you take it you can declare independance not reccomended without decent right to rule. Any suggestions? Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. I tried completeing tasks but they stop giving me any after a while and i cant improve relations. No matter how much i aid in the war i do not get awarded with fiefs. I currently only have 1 for swearing an oath to the king of Nord. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.

Mount and blade warband trade routes